Spent the morning with my MG group. We had a lively meeting and a great educational program. We have a rainwater harvesting demonstration at the Xeric Garden in Forney, Tx. Our president showed us the ins and outs of installing, using, and maintaining a 550 gallon tank. It is fed from the guttering of the building. It has a bypass that takes the first run off of a rain and puts it into another tube essentially washing out the leaves and such. This keeps gunk out of the tank. Only one half an inch of rain will fill our tank. The water is distributed by gavity feed with a hose attached. There is also a pump that creates water pressure. This eventually will feed soaker hoses or drip irrigation. As bad as the drought was two years ago, we are all looking for ways to be better stewards of our water. I still need to take a picture of Nancy's hillbilly rainwater collection system.