I received this award from Meadowview Thymes. She is another local north Texas garden blogger. Along with Brenda and Nola we can compare weather notes, shopping news, and look into each others' gardens through our blogs. I am not sure Aunt Debbi's Garden is Uber anything other than uber silly. Thank you Meadowview I am flattered.
Regarding the Uber award "UBER" is an acronym for 'U've Been Excellently Rewarded'. UBER is a synonym of Super. The 'UBER amazing Blog Award' is given to sites that:
1. Inspire you
2. Make you smile and laugh
3. Maybe gives amazing information
4. Is a great read
5. Has an amazing design
6. Any other reasons you can think of that makes them UBER amazing!
Below is the list of blogs I would like to pass this on to. I understand that many bloggers do not participate in awards and memes. Please just consider this my expression of appreciation and don't play if you don't want to.
Nola at Alamo North. A great blog and a new friend.
Foxymoron at This Country Life. She is an blogger from Australia writing about her life and family.
Diana at Sharing Natures Garden. Diana encouraged me to join the 29 day giving challenge.
Kathryn at Plant What Ever Brings You Joy for her great blog and all the work she did organizing and executing the Scarf Initiative.
There are many other blogs that deserve this award and I am sure it is coming around.