Actually there were no tears just two crazy ladies who were determined to drive the blue bonnet trail. I met Nola of Alamo North at the Ennis Walmart and she drove me the whole blue bonnet trail. It rained cats, dogs, and humongous frogs. We had a good time anyway. Nola is excellent company and a great tour guide. Above are pictures of the blue bonnets, proof of frog, and Nola and me soaking wet. It was so much fun.
After touring the blue bonnet trail, we had lunch at a very good Mexican restaurant. Then we went and visited the few craft booths that were open. The weather really put a damper on the vendors. We both bought beaded book marks. Then we went to Nola's lovely home and had a nice visit. I got to see all of her plants and flowers and of course brought some home. I scored purple oxalis, hyacinth bean vines, a succulent. I met Chili the wonder Dachshund. Sweet little puppy he is too.
I had such a nice time and look forward to visiting again.
Thanks Nola.
This is also my On The Streets post hosted by VP.