VP posted another You Ask We Answer (YAWA) edition on things to do around her neck of the woods. As a YAWA A.P.E. Texas Branch correspondent I feel the responsibility to tell you of a couple of things we can do around here at this time of year.
First I hope to see some of you this Saturday at the Kaufman County Master Gardeners' Spring Seminar at the First Assembly Church of God Church at 3401 S Houston St Corner of State Hwy 34 and FM 1388] in Kaufman, Texas. 8am registration. Program begins at 9 am. No attendance fee/ pre registration is not required. Seminar will include a Master Gardener plant sale, as well as the sale of Orchids and Earth Kind Roses, a silent auction, refreshments, informational booths and a photography contest [2 -8x10 photos per entrant. Photos must be submitted during registration between 8-9 am]. Speakers will be Lynn Ackerman, Master Gardener: Gardening with Cactus and Succulents; Dotty Woodson Ed D Extension Program Specialist- Water Resources Texas AgriLife Extension Texas A & M System: Home Irrigation Systems; Pat Abramson, Master Gardener: Gardening with Herbs. If additional information is needed, please call 972-932-9069. I will be the crazy lady selling plants.
The Ennis Bluebonnet Trails Festival will run 4/17-19. I am planning on attending on Friday and hope to get a bunch of other north Texas garden bloggers to meet up with me there.
Finally, Dallas Blooms will run through 4/12 at the Dallas Arboretum.
Create a Morning Glory Wall!
1 week ago