After a good nights sleep, an afternoon nap and some light gardening, Aunt Debbi is all better. The monkeys behaved well today. I even took one of them to a recruiting meeting and he didn't pull any stunts.
I partially installed my second rain barrel this afternoon. I say partially, because we were not able to get the down spout off of the gutter. Manly will take care of it for me, I am sure. As soon as it is finished, my rainwater storage capacity will double.
A quick note on Monday's meeting. Paul Riddell came to speak to the KCMGA about carnivorous plants. He actually kept that group quiet they were so interested. Keep a couple of our master gardeners quiet is sometimes a challenge. One member whispered to me that we need a video camera, she was that impressed.
I was finally able to pot up some of the plants I received from Nola. A fewer random pots to trip over on the deck YEAH. Here is what I am thinking, I received seeds and plants from Nola who received seeds and plants from Linda and Brenda. So now I should give a few seeds away and maybe a surprise. To get plants you gotta come see me. So leave me a comment and a link and I will send you some seeds. I have enough for the first ten people who post a comment.
Hurry before I run out.
As I read this agan in the a.m. I see a big, glaring ommision. I forgot about Monica and here fantastic progressive seed exchange a few months ago. I extend this offer of seeds in her name as well.
Create a Morning Glory Wall!
1 week ago