This little daffodil showed up late this year. Seems like it had a bird name. Duck? No. Goose? No. Can't remember. Sorry the picture is over exposed. I took it in the dark. Yes, I was wearing my pajamas. It is not just Joy. Do you know what it is?
Teenage Monkey has developed a man voice. Really, he is scaring his aunties on the phone. I hear, "Wait Meme, it's me Logan, don't hang up, you don't have the wrong number." Then I have to speak to a totally rattled sister wondering what happened to our little boy. He got a piece of glass in his foot tonight. He brought me a pocket knife and a bottle of peroxide to help him get it out. Seriously, I am not doing surgery on my kids foot with a pocket knife and a bottle of peroxide no matter how deep his voice is.