Friday- Go pick up my helper and work for an hour then drive to Dallas to be with my mother-in-law in the hospital. Discover that a niece works at the heart and vascular surgery wing of Baylor. Use insider information to get to my mother-in-law before the rest of the family, which makes the family mad at the hospital staff and slightly in awe of me. Go home and collect progeny. Heat up pizza and pass out.
Saturday- Work at library until 1:00 pm. Go buy ingredients to for jambalaya, salsa, and guacamole. Cook like a crazy person to entertain brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece and nephew. Blog about husband and the moon then pass out.
Sunday- Do 100 pounds of laundry, clean kitchen, and attend a funeral. Pick up Teenage Monkey on the way back to Tiny Town Texas, retrieve my truck, pick up Baby Monkey, go buy shower gifts, pick up Middle Monkey, and return to Tiny Town Texas to attend baby shower. Enjoy the tea party baby shower and realize that myself and my sisters are not tea party material. We just had to talk about pee-pee tee-pees and cloth diaper pros and cons. Return home, blog about crazy weekend schedule, and pass out.
The plants are on their own.
How much did you manage to cram into this weekend? Are you exhausted?
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