There has been a lot of anger in the garden blogging community about a certain nonprofit and a certain corporation hooking up. I don't have ties to either organization and am not here to comment on them. I am going to voice my opinion about pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer.
I am an organic gardener. I have been since I was 12 years old and my dad made me sick putting a synthetic pesticide on my first little vegetable garden. I have used organic pesticides off and on and now only use soap and diatomaceous earth and only when I absolutely have to. I have found that it is smarter to plant when the bugs are not active. Tomatoes in the spring/early summer before the red spider mites show up and squash and beans in late summer/early fall after the squash bugs have moved on. Your results may vary. This way I hope not even to need soap next year. The DE is used as needed against fire ants. Fire ants are from the devil. I don't know of one single pesticide organic or synthetic that only kill one kind of bug. If it can kill your cabbage looper it can kill your butterfly caterpillars. I want my butterflies to live here, make babies here and let those babies eat my passion vine. I also want bees to come and visit my flowers. I want lady bugs to eat the aphids. I want to want praying mantis, but they sort of scare me. Look up and one of them is staring at me like I might be good for lunch. Shudder.
The only herbicides I use are my own two hands and mulch.
Fertilizers I love me some fertilizer. I use blood meal, bone meal, bat guano and liquid fish. These are great products that don't reek of ammonia. Well, the bat guano reeks of ammonia. And here is where I take a stand, ANY of these things can pollute if they are used incorrectly. Algae in our lakes doesn't care if that nitrogen is organic or not. Nitrogen is nitrogen is nitrogen. I take extreme care in making sure I use my products properly and keep it out of the water. Never never never intentional fertilize before a rain event. Don't dump anything down the drain. Never over fertilize. Make sure I water it in well when I do.
Finally, compost compost compost. Make it, turn it , use it. Good for the garden and the landfill.
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