Greens - Swiss chard and collards today, a bunch, more that you think you need. This stuff reduces down to nothing.
1 clove minced garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
Saute the garlic in the olive oil over medium heat. While the garlic is sauteing, remove the stalks and chop the greens. Add the greens to the oil and garlic and wilt. Add the chicken broth to the pot and reduce. When almost all of the liquid is gone, remove the greens from the heat and add the vinegar. Watch as Middle Monkey eats it all and doesn't share.
Greens cutting technique - Cut out the stalks. Roll the leaves up all together. Slice the rolled up greens the long way, don't let go. Now cut the greens the short way across the length of the rolled up greens. Ta-da, Perfectly cut up greens very fast. Hope this made some sort of sense. I'm tired. Never mind, I went and had Baby Monkey take some pictures that will show you. Sorry about that last picture.