Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Baby Monkey is nine years old today. Hard to believe. The time goes by so fast.
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  1. You'll have to give your monkey a banana for me. LOL. Alright I'm in a good mood and looking for some teasing to do out there tonight. Where DOES the time go. Weren't they just born a blink ago? Before we know it, they'll have driver's licenses AND girlfriends. YIKES!

  2. No driving, no girls, I can't take it. Mommy melt down in progress:)

  3. Tell him I said Happy B-day! When's the party?

  4. Hi sister, Saturdays are filled up with baseball and soccer. As soon as we find a free weekend. You will be one of the first to know. How about camping again?

  5. I was just thinking how handsome he looks. My boys and dil were over today and I just loved it. That cake sure looks yummy. So he's 9? Well..congrats to him and you for such a nice looking young man. You have the sweetest family.

  6. Why thank you Anna. Brownie cake was yummmy.

  7. Debbie .. I have been in "head in garden mode body done in" from working over the speed limit of an old lady .. BIG sigh ! aches from planet HECK aka "H--L"
    I'm so sorry you are sick .. it sounds awful .. coughing exhausts the body .. talk about a full work out when that is going on ! JEEZ !
    Your little monkey looks very handsome indeed .. and YES .. they grow up so quickly it is hard to figure out "where have my BABIES gone?".. you are going to need to the full spectrum of vitamins/minerals .... and a large bottle of vodka, when all of them are totally TEENS ---> LOL
    Been there done that and in Holland of all countries ! haha
    Take care of yourself girl !

  8. Hi Joy, Oh the teen years, we are getting to know them well. Teenage monkey is 13. I annot imagine trying to raise him in Holland. I can barely keep control in tiny town texas. I am feeling better. Guess what I forgot about? Oil of oregano. Oil of oregano makes chest and head stuff feel way better. Dur. Hope your aches and pains feel better.

  9. Awww, what a great age (but aren't they all?)! Yum, brownie cake: brownies in cake form, or something else? If cake, recipe, please! If brownies, time to make some! Oil of oregano, eh? That sounds just right. Feel better!!!

  10. ourfriendben, brownie cake, brownie+frosting+candle = brownie cake.
