Sunday, May 18, 2008

Giant Swiss Chard

I pulled this sucker out of the garden today. The Swiss Chard, not the monkey. How are we going to eat all of this.?
Does anyone need any?

Baby Monkey had to get in on the act too. Ignore his fashion disaster.
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  2. Wow. That's one giant chard. So I guess that wasn't the cabbage patch then? The plant looks like it may have been big enough to hide a monkey of that size!

    Fashions disaster? You should see my kids. That was nothing, at least both of his pieces of clothing contain red.

  3. Hi cinj, it was big wasn't it. But cinj, he is wearing stripes and a print.

  4. HOLY CRAP! That is HUGE! Good growin, deb.

  5. I agree with Shala... HOLY MOLY!

  6. Don't get me wrong: I'm not comparing children to pets. But I have to say that when I'm taking photos in the garden or wherever, my dogs always manage to get in the picture too!

  7. Brenda, that's okay go ahead and compare kids to pets. After all, I call my boys monkeys.

  8. That's nothing! At least the colors somewhat match. You should see some of the combinations they have come up with.

    Son wore a dark blue, black, red, and yellow flannel plaid pants with purple t shirt, and orange socks. I'm wishing I had taken a picture of it, but I was so mortified I just couldn't bear it. It was a few years ago though so I don't even have the clothes any more.

  9. Wow! Is that real?? It looks real....I didn't know it could get that big! Do you think maybe you should have pulled that up a bit sooner? LOL!

  10. OMG!!! And here I thought MY chard was getting big! Yowee zowee! Whatever are you going to do with that, shred it and freeze it (after blanching)? Or donate it to the compost gods?!!

  11. Hi Sherry, yes it's real. Yes we should have pulled it up sooner.

    OFB, we blanched and froze the tender leaves the rest went to the bunnies.

  12. Holey Cricket!!! That's amazing! I guess they do everything bigger in Texas. -Jen :)

  13. Do let us know what you do with it all!

  14. Hi tina, eat it of course. Well until we are sick of it then feed it to bunnies and compost pile.

  15. Wowsie! I had no idea chard could get that large.
    By the way, I like baby monkey's fashion statement, I love throwing together patterns, he apparently does as well.

  16. Salix tree, why thank you, as pretty as your art work is that is quite a compliment.

  17. Aye carumba, that IS one large chard!! What did you end up doing with it?
    ~ Monica

  18. Hi monica, we ate some,the rabbits ate some, I froze some, and some went into the compost.
