Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Something Weird on an Oak Tree.

These things came off of my neighbors oak tree. The little ball is opaque, gelatinous, and has something green inside it. It is stuck to the leaf. the other is a hollow ball of something. Maybe a gall? Something is shedding white stuff. Probably the big ball. My mouse is in the background for scale. Anybody have any idea what in the world these things are?
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  1. is it some kind of fungus? strange

  2. is it some kind of fungus? strange

  3. Yep. It's an oak gall. They're made by tiny wasps.

  4. Hey--I was here. Saw your gall stones...so sorry. Probably should have them removed...hehehehe. Read about the bus and the rose on hormone therapy--way too funny. Saw too that you went on a wild flower chase and also let your cats play in the fish pond. So what have you been doing in your off time? I see insomnia is on your sidebar and maybe that is how you get so much done.

    Well just wanted you to know that I stopped by and let you know I read the last few chapters in your life and thoroughly enjoyed the journey. I'll be back soon. Hugs!

  5. Well, I've seen those oak galls before, but never the weird gelatinous eyeball thing. Do you think it's an infant gall, or some alien life form that's beaming info about us earthlings back up to the mother ship?!

  6. Okay y'all we have identified the big one, but we still don't know about the eyeball looking thing, right? Thanks MSS.

    Anna, you are having way too much fun. Hugs back.

    ofb, you think the neighbor has been invaded. Should we worry about her being abducted and probed?

    Melisa and lets plant. Thanks for stopping by. I am taking his stuff the the ext office today so we can find out about the eyeball.

  7. This is just a comment to see if my fancy new picture shows up.


  8. Okay, one more time commenting through blotanical.

  9. I'm stumped too...please do post what you find out! (If the aliens give you permission ;-)

  10. I believe it is an young oak gall. Do a google image search on "Oak Gall" and you will see several similar to yours, a few pages in.

    Hope that helps.

  11. Hi lisa, we hope they are friendly aliens.

    Hi James, Thanks I will do that.

    Hey everybody, Richard at the extension office says they are both galls. Thanks for playing.
