Friday, June 6, 2008

Breaking Tomato News and a Cookie

Texas is not responsible for the tomato crisis. Neither is California. Although earlier we were being investigated. Is this news? They don't have a clue where the salmonella came from.
Above is a great oatmeal peanut butter cookie made with eggs from a friend's flock. No salmonella there. Middle Monkey made them and they taste great. Please forgive the blurry picture, Aunt Debbi is tired.
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  1. Well, if a boy can bake I don't know why he wouldn't want to help sew. Maybe if it was something that had relevance to him? TBO came up with an idea for Cheesehead's birthday that had to do with sewing. We didn't have enough time for it though, but it may be a project we'll try to get to this summer.

  2. Forgot to ask, can I have one? They look yummy.

    You've gotta love the news, don't you? Always looking for someone to blame and making non-stories (is that even a word?) into stories.

  3. He might sew if it were a tent or a elephant net or a parachute.
    The news is making me crazy.
    Sorry the cookies are all gone.

  4. Nice cookies! Thanks for your comment over at my blog. I thought the book was so cute, never expected the detail, but don't mind it there! Gave me something to blog, anyway!

    I didn't hear about your tomato crisis! Wow.


  5. I don't eat tomatoes much due to acid reflux. So I guess that's a good thing!

  6. Sorry, I didn't mean to leave my above comment without my name. But I accidently hit enter before I typed it in! Middle-age forgetfulness I guess!

  7. H GdeE, That post was hilarious. I might link it here, if it is okay with you. The media will focus on something else soon and the tomato crisis will be over.

    Hi Brenda, Don't worry about it. Sorry about your tummy, ow.

  8. I've got my three tomato plants growing strong. Phooey on the tomato meenies. Oatmeal cookies are my favorites.

    Are you having the same heat we are? I'm roasting down here in NC. It's over 100 degrees. You can cut the air with a knife.

  9. Hi anna, we have seven. did have nine, but lost two. they say it is only 90 but if feels like a bazillion with the humidity. I foolishly decided compost pile building should happen today and now I am all worn out. Glad to hear from you.

  10. Blurry or not, that cookie looks yumbly!

  11. Hey christy, they were and they are gone gone gone.
