Thursday, July 3, 2008

June Block of the Month and a Bunny

The June block of the month is the baskets on the left. The top block is a completer my mom had to finish for me because I had a fit and fell in it. I was threatening to quit making the completer blocks. She felt bad for getting me into this mess and is trying to help me. On the right is the first block (actually circle) for my niece's wedding quilt. The colors are too dark in this picture. The fabrics are burgundy and plum prints in the dark rings with gold and plum floral prints in the light ring.

Here is a gratuitous "aw look at the baby bunny picture." Isn't she cute, I mean the rabbit, but the girl cousin is cute too.
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  1. AND ... lovely quilting blocks too!

  2. Aww. I want those! A quilt and a bunny that is, NOT another kid. Not that she doesn't look sweet and all but....

  3. Givinya, Why thank you.

    Cindy, I borrow girls every week. I give them back every time.

  4. Aw, adorable bunny rabbit! I've made quilts, but I never much went for the making of the difficult ones. I've appliqued some. But circles and curves and such are hard!

  5. Thank you Nancy.

    Hi Brenda, don't look to closely at my work. That circle does not lay completely flat. By the time I make about five of them, I will have it figured out again.
