Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mulch Monkeys

The Monkeys and a neighbor boy helped me spread some cedar mulch today. They were not quite as enthusiastic about it as they were about deconstructing a compost pile, but they got the job done. I am sure the 100+ degree temperature did not help motivate them.

Inevitably, someone asked why we are doing this. So I got another chance to teach. Here are a few reasons to use mulch.
1. Mulch keeps the soil cool and moist. This helps conserve water.
2. Mulch discourages weeds.
3. Mulch is is more attractive than bare soil.
4. Using bark mulch is a great way to recycle.
5. As it breaks down, mulch adds organic matter to the soil.
6. Worms like mulch.
Apparently, Trixie did not think much of us invading "her" garden and interrupting a nap.
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  1. Cedar mulch always smells so good when you first lay it down. I can't get enough mulch myself. I use it on everything- even my container plants.

  2. What wonderful helpers! It's great to use these opportunities to teach those potential budding gardeners:).

  3. Boy, Trixie does not look pleased AT ALL. Poor thing. I like mulch too. I still have much mulching to do.

  4. That's great that your monkeys help you out so much with the garden. My youngest will help me weed (he's 15), but the oldest is not interested in the least. :) Poor Trixie, she looks upset by all the commotion. She's a cutie!

  5. Hi Cindy, me too on the container mulching. It keeps the soil from washing out and they stay damp a little longer.

    Hi Chey, I love teaching them.

    Nope cinj, that cat wanted us to leave.

    Hi pg, glad to hear you have a little garden help. Teenage monkey actually works with me sometimes. Middle Monkey has his own set of plants. Baby Monkey will help if he has to, but I don't think it is really his thing.

  6. Poor Trixie... being awakened from a great nap on a hot day. The look is priceless.

    I'm so jealous of YOU because you have mulch monkeys that you can employ to do this great stuff. Alas, I have none and must be my own mulch monkey.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  7. Hi Cindy, We iritate Trixie a lot. Wish we were neighbors, I would send them over to your place to help.

  8. We just put mulch down this weekend to... but we didn't have the helpers. Lucky you.

    We were the helpers.

    I'm not a big cat fan, but that is one beautiful cat.

  9. Hi James, I am ever so glad they are big enough to help now. Don't be fooled by that cat's beauty. She has the worst attitude in the cat kingdom and regularly bitches.

  10. Hon, you know how I have to say what I'm thinking: (Laughing) Is that cat as demented as it looks? Or is that just the photo? That is seriously so funny. Maybe you should add it to your sidebar!

  11. Hi Brenda, She is a gripe, but not demented. She was just really unhappy that we were in her garden. I have uploaded the picture as my blotanical photo ID.

  12. Okay, now I'm really have monkeys and neighbor kids to do this job...geez..send them to my house when they are done there...I need some monkeys!

  13. Hi Rhonda, There are a few drawbacks to monkeys. They eat a lot, they don't do laundry, one of them eats in the bathroom, one of them stapled blankets to the ceiling, one of the was caught peeing in the garden by his aunt, two of them can stick their tongues up their noses, there is more but I will save that for another post. All in all, they are worth it and I never know what is going to happen next.

  14. Enjoyed my visit on your lovely blog, especially the pic of Trixie. She reminds me of the tri-color cat I had as a child named "Frazzelle". I like your labels in your sidebar and that is a project I hope to complete on mine one of these days.
    Best regards, Jon on 7-28-08 at
    Mississippi Garden

  15. Hi Jon, glad you stopped by. I am going to revisit your blog looking for the bog gardening post.

  16. Love your blog. I can tell there is never a dull minute around here. Mulch. It's a good thing and so is your future gardeners in training.

  17. Deb, good for you! I love reading about your life.

  18. Wow...your monkeys have enough material for their own blog! That would be a funny post: amazing kid "tricks". Maybe Trixie would like HER own blog, too! Then she'd have a forum to vent her "complaints". :)
