Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rain Gardens

Here is a nice post on rain gardens by Growing Roots in L.A. This might help explain some of my post yesterday. Rain gardens are another way of protecting our rivers from polution from storm water run off while restoring ground water. As soon as our MG rain garden is complete, I will post pictures.


  1. Can's wait to see the pics. These are really neat. I have another blogging friend who is a MG in Texas and they completed one for a public garden.

  2. Hi pg, what county I would love to see it.

  3. Rain gardens are such a great idea. Right now we're hooking up rain barrels, but I would love to make a rain garden as well someday.

  4. Hi amy, I have one rain barrel and one condensate barrel. I think I have room for three more.

  5. Thanks for the mention! Seeing that you're in Texas, you might like this article about a SoCal water harvesting garden:,0,4254074.story

    Water harvesting, while the same idea as the midwestern/northern rain gardens, does seem a bit more involved and technical.

  6. Hey, rootsinthecity, happy to make that link. and thank you for the additional information. This is relatively new to my MG group (two years. We are still learning.
