Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monkey Haircut

They won't let him go to school looking like this. I cannot imagine why.
He looks a little worried.
Awww...look at that face.
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  1. Great haircut! It's nice seeing their eyes again isn't it? ;)


  2. Goodness, had he been growing it out all summer? Boy, what most girls would give for that hair!

  3. I wish I could talk my son in to cutting his hair. His is really long (just past his shoulders). His school doesn't care about that stuff. :) Nice haircut!

  4. Thanks cindy, he really likes it.

    Brenda, his hair stood straight out from his head from birth until we let it grow out that long. We are all pleased with it. The hair lady was stunned at how thick it is.

    pg, I wouldn't make them cut their hair if the school didn't. I just don't think it is that important a battle. He does look better with it shorter though.

  5. I think he looks great! I like how they didn't take too much length off, just enough for school.

  6. Thanks sister(mom's the word). He is pretty happy with it. Look at that chin. Can you believe it.

  7. He's a handsome boy...and he is smiling after the haircut!!

  8. He looks so much better! My son is the same way, but unfortunately there are no rules here at school so mom and dad are the bad guys-haircut haircut haircut! I am glad your son is happy with it!

  9. It's nice to be able to see the face, but I agree that it's not too important to battle about hair. My son likes his short, super short actually. He insists on going to his grandpa's barber to get his hair cut even though his style is one I could easily do.

  10. You are right - hair length is one battle that's just not worth fighting the school about.
    I so enjoyed this post - it takes me back to when my children were young.

  11. Thanks spookydragonfly, I made him myself.

    I agree tina, I like to be able to see his eyes.

    Hi cinj, middle monkey cannot stand to have his hair long. It just seems to be a matter of taste.

    Hi Karen, we try not to fight the school on trivial things like dress code. When it comes to class content and bullying, then they hear from me.

  12. He must be glad to be able to see now! I was getting my own hair cut yesterday and heard a kid and his mom a few chairs down fighting about how short to cut it (guess who wanted it short). From what I've seen, pretty much any length goes these days, from shaved heads to ponytails (or whatever guys call them). I think you're wise to let the monkeys choose their own style.

  13. Hi ofb, yep pretty much anything goes. I let them do what they want with their hair and clothes. Funny, they really have not wanted to do anything extreme. I think baby monkey would love a mohawk, luckily it has not occured to him yet.

  14. We were so busy moving in the military that we were just glad to be together and safe. Meeting new friends every few years was their biggest challenge.

    I think you have very attractive children. All that hair is just a fad anyway. I don't see many 70 yr olds looking like they need a hair cut---they do look like they need hair.

  15. Hi anna, We are lucky that we get to stay put. My mom's family had to move all over because of my grandfather's miltary career. It sounds like it was hard, but she sure got to live in some cool places.

    Thanks for the kiddo compliment.

  16. Ah, so handsome.~~Dee

  17. Aw thanks Dee. He is sitting right here.
