Saturday, November 1, 2008

On Second Glance

I spoke too soon. A second look around revealed a Gulf fritillary caterpillar almost ready to make a chrysalis. Looks like we may have enough time for butterflies yet. My powers of observation are underwhelming.
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  1. Aliens we're tellin' ya! These are all aliens!! no?? still not right???

  2. shibaguyz, they certainly look like aliens. They are poisonous. Even if you were so inclined, do not eat them.

  3. Don't let them eat all of that passionvine! Can't they learn to eat Johnsongrass, or something?

  4. Girl I laughed at your "underwhelming" ? comment .. me too ! I'm totally off my game right now .. but take heart Debbie .. we have to get better don't we ?? LOL
    PS .. I still miss "Curly Joe" and I will never understand why he left home : (

  5. That sounds like a good sign Deb!

  6. It seems rather late to be doing all this! Do the newly hatched butterflies move on when the cold weather comes?

  7. Joy, hopefully curly joe is flitting around somewhere now. Maybe his babies will eat your fennel next year.

    Hi racquel, I sure hope so. We don't have any cold weather in the ten day forcast.

    easygardener, I know the gulf fritillary migrate to the gulf, but I am not sure what happens if they are in the crysalis with the cold weather comes. I need to do more research.

  8. Underwhelming? Ha, ha! Me too. Sometimes the cooler weather numbs the brain.

  9. There are no trees by which a butterfly lays egg in my garden. I'll try to plant such tree in a garden.

  10. cinj, maybe it is the change in the season, but I just feel slow.

    aki, I would seriously like to hear about Japanese butterflies. What fun.
