Monday, December 22, 2008

Spoiled Cat


Trixie must have a fresh cup of water each morning. She is too good to drink out of the cat bowl. The whining to get this cup of water is the most annoying noise known to man. It is a good thing she's pretty.
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  1. Yep, I know the sound all too well. My big 'ole apha male D'Back doesn't just want fresh water, he wants it running. Every morning he comes into the bedroom, gets me up, and we go to the bathroom, where he jumps into the tub and waits for me to turn the water on at just a trickle, so he can sip fresh running water. I should just buy a drinking fountain!

  2. Could be worse Deb, my cat will only drink out of the bathroom sink faucet and it has to be lukewarm. ;) lol

  3. Gladys Taber's cat, Amber, would only drink from a glass on the coffee table, and if it didn't have an ice cube in it she was insulted and wouldn't drink it.

  4. Oh those cats! Speedy will only drink water from the communal cat dish if she dips her paw in and licks the water off of it. They both come running whenever I turn the water on too and meow at me incessantly.

  5. It definitely could be worse! My cat seems to have taken a liking to the filtered water that is in MY drinking glass. If I leave a glass of water sitting around, I refuse to take another drink because I just know the cat has been in it. I have even covered the glass of water on my bedside table and she will knock the cover off in the middle of the night to get a drink.

  6. Dee Dee has to drink from a cup of fresh water too. Even though we've got TWO recirculating pet fountains, she HAS to drink from her own cup on the basin. Goodness sakes!


  7. Nola, Racquel, Barbee, Cinj, Robin, and Cindy, Ladies, what kind if cat parents are we to have raised such high maintenence felines:) Glad to know I am not on my own.

  8. Debbie .. of course she is adorable (so is Abby too .. in her doggy way ? haha) .. I have friends who had a fresh cup kitty too ! But I can beat you on this .. Emma is a coffee drinker .. she finds a cup of coffee set down and there she is licking the rim .. so hubby and I have learned to keep our mugs close in hand ! haha

  9. Are Tisha and Trixie related? Our White Socks prefers the running water from the bathroom sink. But she's not very vocal--just sits and looks pathetic. The little black one is the queen of vocalizations. She is so loud you can hear her over the blender, the coffee grinder, the vacumn, the hair dryer.

  10. Joy, What is a cat like after caffeine?

    Curmudgeon, Tisha is Trixie's mother. I did that, "let the cat have one litter of kittens so the kids will know where babies come from thing." Instead of tuxedo marked Manx she threw a bunch of calico Manx. Tisha has a nice sweet little mew. Trixie sounds like a digruntled 3 pack a day smoker.

  11. LOL!! I think if my two boys thought I'd indulge them, they would make similar demands. They do get to lick my plate once in awhile when I'm done, and poor silly Gizmo got to experience the "double burn" of spicy food the other day. (Guess I figured he just wouldn't try it if it was too spicy...oops.)

  12. Lisa, poor thing. I bet he won't do that again:)
