Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The First Ripe Tomato of 2010

I was out counting my tomato plants' fruits and discovered this jewel. It is my first large tomato of the season. It is likely an Early Girl, although I won't ever know for sure because, once again, I didn't label anything.
I brought it into the kitchen and gave it a quick rinse. Then I cut it up, sprinkled a little sea salt on it and yummmmm. I took a long time savoring that tomato lingering over every bite. After a winter and spring of nothing but those anemic store bought tomatoes, this was a taste of heaven. I look forward to that first warm ripe tomato out of the garden every year. It is almost a religious experience to eat it. No, I didn't share.
I had counted over 200 tomato fruits on the vines of our 17 tomato plants before I found the ripe one and got distracted. I should go back out and finish counting. This should be a wonderful year for tomatoes. I am so excited.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
They're Back
The butterflies are back. This big guy was just a tiny little pitter speck just a couple of days ago. Now he is ready to morph. The dill has been munched pretty badly.

I am really pleased with our tomatoes this year. I am growing 14 varieties, many of which were give seeds from the slow mail seed swap hosted by Monica earlier this spring. That particular tomato is a Better Boy, I think. Silly me didn't label anything again this year. Duh. There are two that appear striped, which would be Avivvi and Green Zebra. I also have a Mr. Stripey, which has one tiny little tomato on it. I didn't have any luck with that one last year either.
The garden is green.
We have had plenty of rain.
There has not been any really bad weather.
The butterflies are back.
Life is good.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tomatoes and Peppers
Here is the first real harvest of my spring garden. We have grape tomatoes, sweet banana peppers and bell peppers all coming in right now. The garlic was grown all winter and is curing now. As soon as it is all properly dried, I will braid it all up and hang it in my kitchen to keep the vampires out.
The peppers and tomatoes are being grown in containers on our deck. I am pleasantly surprised at how well they are doing. I was lucky enough to be able to test the product Ubiogrow. It is not really a fertilize (I didn'' see the NPK #s) , but a compost/manure tea concoction that does not smell bad. My container veggies just simply love it.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I'm Not Crazy
I am treating our front lawn with compost/bunny poo tea because of the Weed and Feed incident (don't get me started). I made the tea in a large bucket in the back yard near a rain barrel. I simply dip my watering can into the tea, take it out front and pore it on a bare patch of lawn. There are many bare patches so this is taking quite a few trips. Suddenly, I noticed that the ladies in the school pick up line are looking at me funny. I am guessing they think I am trying to water my whole lawn one watering can at a time the day after a nice rain. Now, how do you think they would react if they new exactly what I am up too? Wonder if they know the benefits of bunny poo tea? I think I'll stay in the house until all the children are picked up from school. Wouldn't want them to alert the mental health officials.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Sock Saga Continues
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Most Excellent Girl Friend Playing with Her Food
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