Monday, May 3, 2010

The Sock Saga Continues

Just when we thought the weirdness with the socks had stopped, some Monkey or another went out into my garden, took off one of their socks and planted it. I cannot get a confession, but one of them has only one sock on and I'm going to figure it out. Somebody help me.
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  1. Aaaagghhh, SOCKS!!! SOCKS in the garden!!! Is nothing sacred?!!!

  2. Socks are funny... maybe now when one is lost in the wash, it will show up in the garden :D

  3. Oh my gosh, the socks are acting crazy at my house too. I keep finding them throughout the garden. Do you suppose there's some kind of sock sickness going one?~~Dee

  4. Make each of them a sock monkey for their birthday. Wouldn't that be fun???

  5. Hmm...wonder what they think will germinate from planting socks? lol :)

  6. I think the sock crawled out of your house to escape your kids!!!!!
    Too much testosterone!
