Saturday, March 8, 2008

Redneck Rainwater Harvesting

Here is Miss N's rainwater harvesting set up. We just dip our watering cans into the buckets and tote them to the greenhouse.
Here is the big tank. We have not had to use it this winter. It is gravity fed.
Don't forget to pick your super power right over there on the left. Posted by Picasa


  1. Well, that's a good reason to love our snow and the moisture that comes with it! But what a great collection system!

  2. Thanks Sherry. It absolutely works even if it isn't pretty. Added bonus - It does not cost hundreds of dollars.

  3. I always set out my bucket collectin when it is raining ... it is a great way to collect the water.

  4. wow .. I think I posted on the wrong site connection .. holy crap !
    Any whoooo ... good method for collecting water Deb !
    I have my trusty rain barrel for a few years now .. maybe we might get some rain this year ? .. to match the snow fall ? YIKES !

  5. Hello,

    Had to stop by when Joy mentioned your post...I need to get my rain barrel act together. That is a big tank.


  6. Goodness! I am glad I stumbled on this post!

    I have been looking into a water collection system - some are rather expensive, but this.... I can do this!

    Can you elaborate a little more on the big tank?

    Thanks again.

  7. Hi everybody. The big tank is a recycled container from some sort of industrial food thing, maybe cooking oil. N's hubby brought it home. When the big tank isn't full he uses a sump pump (spelling anyone?) and fill the big tank from the smaller buckets. We have just been dipping and watering this winter. If we run out of water in the buckets, we will us the gravity fed to use water from the big tank. The big tank could be attached to a gutter, but it isn't in this case.
