Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Should Have Seen This Coming

It appears that I have created a playground/water bowl for Tisha and Trixie. I hope the fish can stay out of their way. Any bets on how soon one of them falls in?
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  1. Cute photos. That's the problem with ponds, fountains and such. My fountain has become more of a nuisance than an attraction. Birds use it as a drinking fountain, so there are bird droppings all around and in the fountain. It becomes contaminated quickly--stinky and ugly. It is a pain to drain, clean and start over. I may have to turn my two fountains into planters!

  2. Hi Aiyana, I hope my water barrel garden doesn't get messy. Our bird bath gets kind of gross, but it is easy to hose off.

  3. Ha!!! But as long as you give the fish something to hide under, and allow the plants to spread and create cover, they should be fine. my cats love drinking out of my water gardens and they've never become fishermen! Is Trixie the calico? What a gorgeous coat!!!

  4. Hi ofb, Under the plant and my rocks is a cinder block. Two nice big holes for the fish to swim through and hide under. Tixie is the Cali, and thank you. She is very proud of her fur. I have a feeling before too long we are going to have a picture of a wet cat after one of them falls in. Stay tuned.

  5. I hope that you have a camera in hand when one of them does fall in! lol!

  6. Oh my, I wish I was a fly on the wall there. This looks too funny, maybe you will win America's funniest animal videos?

  7. Hi Melanie, Thanks for stopping by. If the cat make you laugh, just wait for the monkeys.

  8. I have thought the same thing with Clyde getting into my small fish pond out back. Two fish have managed to escape his treacherous claws for two years now. They must be smarter than the birds and bunnies and snakes!

  9. Hi Brenda, glad to here you have survivors. These three seem to hide from everyone but me.

  10. LOL! Reminds me of my cats when we brought home the new hamster. I'm sure Gertie was glad to have the glass protection. I'm sure they'll manage to avoid the cats if they're careful.

  11. Cats have an amazing ability to balance on buckets of water, I've found! And mine don't even have fish in them. I have a plastic bucket in my bath tub, in which I catch water that's warming up before I reroute it to the shower. (Yes, I know. But I'm cheap. I collect my A/C water in summer, too!) This bucket, with its varying levels of water, is an endless fascination to my two cats, who have devised varying strategies to drink from it, based on water level (if not so full, streeeetch way up and bend over as far as possible. If fuller, balance on edges with four paws, finding a place for mouth to reach water.) This is, mind you, despite the THREE easily-accessible water bowls I leave out for them.
    ~ Monica

  12. Cats enjoy a challenge. The best water and food is what you have to work for, or con your owner out of... humm. I think I wanna be a cat.

  13. Cinj, I bet that hamster was scared.

    The garden faerie, They sound like acrobats that like a challenge.

    Hi nancy, If I believed in reincarnation I would want to come back as one of my cats.

  14. How nice of you to provide the kitties entertainment with a snack option!
