Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rambling Again

This will be another rambling post as I really do not have a point. I assume that if you are here, it is not because of the quality of my writing, but to laugh along with the insanity of my life. Either that or you are related to me. By the way, my lurking sisters, I can see you have been here by looking at the site meter. Leave me a comment already.
This is my purple Castor bean plant. It can grow very tall. It lived through this summer without any additional water from me. These are tough plants.
Here in north Texas we are between summer and fall. The plants still look a little stressed and we need rain. October is historically one of the wettest months. I can't wait to get my fall/winter garden in and start getting those veggies again. I actually have a better fall/winter garden than spring/summer garden. We rarely have a freeze and the cool weather crops get a nice long growing season. I am going to grow broccoli, Swiss chard, sugar snap peas, lettuce, collards, spinach, carrots, cabbage, broccoli rhab, onions, and garlic.
The large red flower is a pomegranate bloom. This is a dwarf plant that produces tiny little poms and I just love it. The flowers around it are a salvia of some sort. This salvia is tall and leggy. It is also invasive and reseeds itself everywhere. I would get rid of it, but the humming birds love it, so it stays.
Here is a penta in full bloom on my front porch. There is no direct sunlight here, but this little flower is doing just fine. Sometimes I ignore plant labels and just do what I want- with mixed results of course.
Why doesn't my ginger bloom? Do you know? Anybody?
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  1. Rambling? Are you talking about me? LOL.

    Sometimes I wish I could grow plants in the winter and sometimes I am thankful for a "break". Does that make me sound lazy? I can see how a winter garden would do better than a summer garden. Winter is usually cooler and moister than the hot, humid days of summer.

  2. Debbi - personally, I love rambling. I think that's how I'd describe my writing style as well. I have a Pom, too -- what do you do with the Poms? Do you eat them?

  3. No lazy cinj, balanced. Unlike my totally out of balance life.

    Hi diane, yes I eat the poms they only have a few seeds, but they taste awsome.

  4. How does the lettuce do? I've wanted to try it, but never have. That is one thing I buy at the store constantly!
    The ginger at the Arboretum is in full sun. Maybe your needs more sun. It smells soooo good! I smell it before I see it.

  5. thanks Meadowview thymes, I will try moving them to a sunnier spot.

  6. Debbi - so how do you know when to pick the poms? I have picked them too early several times, I just can't seem to get it right...

  7. diana, I pick them when the fuzzy stuff at the bottom turns totally brown and the fruit yellows a little.

  8. Great - thanks for the tip - our tree produces a lot of them but I usually just let them split open on the tree and leave them to the birds. Or I post the hideous looking maw on my blog and say it's a Halloween monster!

  9. Sometimes it's good to ramble. It must be nice to have a winter garden while others are dreaming of spring. My weather is mild, but not that mild. Great blooms, don't know what to tell you about the Ginger though. Never grown it before, does it get enough light?

  10. your welcome diana

    Hi raquel, I love my winter garden. I am going to try moving the ginger to a sunnier spot and see if that doesn't help.

  11. You are lucky the ginger came up. Someone told me you could plant the "hands" of ginger you buy at the supermarket; so I did, but nothing ever happened. Do you have the supermarket variety, or something more exotic? I just liked the look of the foliage, it reminds me of bamboo, which I LOVE, buy hubby thinks is a bit too much for our small yard. Maybe I could plant bamboo and just tell him it is ginger!!

  12. Nola, a bit of garden deception hmmm... These are not super market ginger. I spent a lot of money on them and they don't feaking bloom.

  13. Whoa, watchutalkinabboud?!!! Your writing is delightful, and often hysterical. Keep it up! Incidentally, i often grow supermarket ginger and it does fine for me (as long as I water it, gulp). But I don't expect it to flower, just to keep on making more ginger roost for us to eat...

  14. ofb, that is quite a complement from and actual writer. Thanks. I've grown the grocery store ginger too, but that one in the picture is some fancy pants variety that I paid out the nose for and it won't bloom.

  15. I have a plant in my yard that is green not purple, but the leaves are shaped exactly like your castor bean plant. I wonder if it is a relative?

  16. Hi Brenda, does it have prickly seed pods?
