Monday, September 29, 2008


Stuart from Blotanical is trying to help me get my feed back up. I followed the instructions for the work around, but still nothing as of yesterday. Hopefully, he performed some interweb magic and all will be well. This is a test to see if what he did fixed me. I seem to be a problem child.


  1. Meems said she is having difficulties too. Going back to the original feed should work. I'll check it out soon.

  2. Debbi, you're finally back up on my faved blogs' new posts. Hooray and high time!!!!

  3. Yeah tina and ofb. I'm back, but I seem to have dropped out of the top 200. Oh well.

  4. Welcome back to Blotanical Deb! It's good to see you on my list of faved blog picks again!

  5. Thanks raquel. I was beginning to think I would never get back.

  6. Sounds like you've finally made it back to blotanical. Yay. I'll have to pop over there later to check it out for myself. I think it takes a bit of time for them to verify that you entered the correct feed info. Woohoo! The gang's getting back together!

  7. Cinj, It looks like it is all working out.

  8. I would never call you a problem child. High maintenance, maybe...but, not a problem.

  9. Great to see you back, and thank you so much for your thoughtful message.

  10. I once had a little boy literally swinging from the chandelier. By the time he was a teenager I was introduced to the exploding wall phenomena- the one where mom comes home to find holes roughly the size of a baseball which spontaneously formed while she was gone. Cheers!

  11. Lydia, you are scaring me. I already have one who climbs the walls.
