Monday, October 13, 2008

I was going to talk about Gulf frittilary butterflies. I saw two laying eggs on my passion vine this afternoon. When I went back out to take some pictures, they had fluttered off. I will get back out there tomorrow.
Due to a lack of butterfly pictures, tonight I will blog about my fall veggies. These are actually late summer veggies. In the above picture shows okra, tomato, zucchini, purple hull peas, and a bowl of assorted peppers.
I am the kind of gardener that counts. I counted more than 80 tomatoes on the tomato vines today. I counted 17 zucchini on three vines. I counted 12 little okra on the okra plants.
My summer production was pretty pitiful because I did not get the plants in early enough. We get hot fast around here and the plants just can't produce in the heat. With a little rain and cooler weather my plants that lived through the scorching summer are now giving me food. I am glad I kept them alive.
The real fall plants, cabbage, broccoli, broccoli rhaab, Swiss chard, lettuce, spinach, garlic, onions, and beets are slowing being planted as I can make room. In a few weeks it will freeze. At that point, I can turn the whole garden over to the cool season crops.
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  1. It's great that you were able to keep those plants alive and now you're being so richly rewarded. I'll have to get things figured out with planting and stuff for next year. I'm going to start preparing the soil this weekend I think.

  2. Cinj, thanks and it sounds like you have a plan too.

  3. Wow, I'm impressed! Quit beating yourself up for not being SuperGardener (I'd like you to find me one person who really is) and celebrate your wonderful harvest!

  4. hi ofb, but I really want to be super gardener. I am competitive like that:)

  5. You do count things--I've noticed that before. I have no patience to count. I grab and go. I think if you were in my garden, I would have to pull you along cause you would stop to take notice of every little thing. If I was in your garden, you would get annoyed with me cause we would be all over the place constantly.

    I clean my house that way too. I go from room to room depending on what I just took in there. Like if I carry something to the bedroom, I will work in there until something needs to go to the kitchen. I bet you work in one room till it's finished.

    I read what you did with the vege chips--yummy. That's a good looking harvest. My garden is done and ripped out already. I got tired of the upkeep.

  6. Hi anna, I count stuff, but have a very hard time "finishing" anything. Everything is always a work in progress. Your housekeeping style sounds a lot like mine.

    I made some more of those chips and Teenage Monkey is eating them all. Durn.
